Saparmurad Niyazov became dictator of Turkmenistan in 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union. During his reign, Niyazov went on a manic banning spree, outlawing all sorts of random things. And the most random thing of all was the act of lip-synching.
Niyazov — or as he preferred to be called, Turkmenbashi or “The Great Leader of all Turkmen” — believed the act of lip-synching defiled the authenticity of Turkmenistan’s culture. As a result, he made it illegal, banning it from all cultural events, concerts and private celebrations such as weddings.
According to the BBC, before he died of a heart attack in December 2006, Niyazov also banned operas, ballets, beards, car radios and gold teeth. Additionally, he closed all of the country’s hospitals, except for one in the capital city of Ashgabat, and renamed some calendar months after his mother and, of course, himself.