Originally from the Great Lakes region, the Dakotas were driven out of their land by the British Empire and, later, the American and Canadian governments. Dakota groups now mostly reside further west, with many reservations located in North and South Dakota.
Trafalgar’s nine-day National Parks and Native Trails of the Dakotas takes travelers to four reservations, where they’ll get to learn from members of different indigenous groups like the Oglala Sioux, the Sucangu Lakota Oyate Nation and the Dakota Nation. The tour includes activities like lunches with ingredients grown on the reservation, seeing the Earth Lodges of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, hearing tribal stories and collecting their own tea mix made with local plants.
While you’ll also get to visit some of the country’s most beautiful national parks, the coolest thing about this tour is that your activities will directly support independent local projects.