15 Most Popular Breakfast Foods in America, Ranked This is how Americans like to start the day. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If that’s true, then people in the United States are getting ready for their day in wildly different ways. Based on the most googled breakfast foods in every state, we can see that some Americans prefer to wake up to eggs. Others like bagels. Some like to start the morning with cheese grits or biscuits and gravy. But while the foods may vary, there are clear regional preferences. These are the 15 most searched breakfast foods in America. 9. Acai Bowl (Tie) Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images States where acai bowls are most searched: Hawaii *Data is based on the “What’s Your State Googling For Dinner?” report from Cinch Home Services. The Juicy Details: Acai Bowl Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images According to Google, many Hawaiians eat a healthy acai bowl breakfast at the beginning of their day. This meal has many variations, but typically consists of acai berry puree, fresh or frozen fruit, granola and seeds. Bowls can be personalized to your taste and nutritional needs. Many people add whole milk or protein powder for protein. We love that this meal tastes great, is nutritional and is very easy to make. 9. Avocado Toast (Tie) Synergee / Getty Images States where avocado toast is most searched: Maryland The Juicy Details: Avocado Toast Jorge Garcia Argazkiak / Getty Images Say what you want about avocado toast, but this is one delicious breakfast food. We don’t care if California has made it synonymous with coastal elites and bougie bohemians. The reality is that it hits the spot and also is one of the healthiest breakfast foods you can eat. This list might take some heat off the Golden State, since Maryland is number one for states obsessed with the green treat. 9. Bacon (Tie) Renphoto / Getty Images States where bacon is most searched: Idaho The Juicy Details: Bacon bhofack2 / Getty Images Bacon actually tied as the most searched breakfast food in Idaho with another dish, which happens to be No.1 on this list. In general terms, bacon is one of the most classic and delicious American breakfast foods. In reality, it tastes good at any time. We wouldn’t condone eating it every day, but it certainly makes a Sunday morning pancake breakfast extra special. 9. Scrambled Eggs (Tie) robynmac / Getty Images States where scrambled eggs are most searched: West Virginia The Juicy Details: Scrambled Eggs Floortje / Getty Images There’s nothing wrong with scrambled eggs per se, but they’re not the most exciting dish out there. Honestly, we’re not sure why people are even googling the term. Were they looking for recipes for scrambled eggs? Were they searching for a restaurant that actually made them well? This is such a simple, basic dish that we can’t figure out why so many people in West Virginia had to turn to the internet for it. 9. Soft-Boiled Eggs (Tie) margouillatphotos / Getty Images States where soft-boiled eggs are most searched: Vermont The Juicy Details: Soft-Boiled Eggs gourmetphotography / Getty Images We’re a little shocked that Vermont, known around the world for its amazing maple syrup, is googling soft-boiled eggs. Maybe people want to contrast their fluffy pancakes and sticky maple syrup with some non-greasy protein? At any rate, soft-boiled eggs are fine. They need a ton of salt to taste like anything, and we’d take scrambled eggs over them, but we appreciate that they’re healthy. That’s as much as we can say in their favor. 9. Smoothie (Tie) Tetiana_Chudovska / Getty Images States where smoothies are most searched: Washington, D.C. The Juicy Details: Smoothies PeopleImages / Getty Images This might be the most D.C. thing in the world. Of course, the capital would be going for the fastest, most convenient food that you can consume as you rush to work. Smoothies are nutritious, filling and delicious. They really are incredibly convenient, especially for those mornings when you’ve overslept. But we also think this is a sign for residents of D.C. to slow down a tiny bit. And before the trolls come in, yes, we know the District of Columbia is not a state, but it deserves to be included. 9. Toast (Tie) SasaJo / Getty Images States where toast is most searched: South Carolina The Juicy Details: Toast seb_ra / Getty Images The South is notoriously the best place in the U.S. for food. Given this, we are shocked and confused to realize that out of all the meals South Carolinians could be searching for, toast is the one that comes to their mind the most often. This is even worse than googling scrambled eggs. What are people even wondering about toast? We certainly hope they’re not googling restaurants that serve toast when you can make an equally bland one in your own home. 9. Whole Wheat Bagel (Tie) Lauri Patterson / Getty Images States where whole wheat bagels are most searched: New Jersey The Juicy Details: Whole Wheat Bagel billberryphotography / Getty Images Of course, New Jersey’s top search was going to be bagels. Whole wheat bagels tied with another type of bagel in terms of search volume from the state. Many people claim that New Jersey has the best bagels in the world. And while we won’t get into that debate, we will say that New Jersey bagels are excellent and that this finding is not surprising at all. 8. Everything Bagel Fudio / Getty Images States where everything bagels are most searched: Alaska, Ohio The Juicy Details: Everything Bagels LauriPatterson / Getty Images Who knew Alaskans loved bagels as much as Ohioans? Everything bagels are absolutely delicious — we’ll just say it, they’re better than whole wheat bagels. We’re happy to see two states preferring them above all other breakfast foods. That being said, we can’t vouch for the quality of bagels in these two states. So if you’re visiting, try at your own risk. 5. Donuts (Tie) itakdalee / Getty Images States where donuts are most searched: Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas The Juicy Details: Donuts Vladimir Vladimirov / Getty Images Who doesn’t love donuts? As a tasty treat once in a while, they’re amazing. As everyday breakfast food? Not so much. We’re hoping people in Texas, Oklahoma and Nevada google “donuts” (or doughnuts) more often than they actually eat them for breakfast. They are delicious, but they have a nutritious value of around -10. (Don’t quote us on that.) In our opinion, they do much better as afternoon dessert. 5. Hard-Boiled Eggs (Tie) tycoon751 / Getty Images States where hard-boiled eggs are most searched: Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania The Juicy Details: Hard-Boiled Eggs AzmanL / Getty Images On the total opposite side of the health spectrum from donuts are Maine, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, whose residents are cooking hard-boiled eggs in the morning. This breakfast dish is certainly tastier than its counterpart, soft-boiled eggs, and is still relatively healthy. We’re not sure we’d want this every single morning, but it’s a nice dish to have once in a while. 5. Poppyseed Bagel (Tie) marg99ar / Getty Images States where poppyseed bagels are most searched: North Carolina, New Jersey, New York The Juicy Details: Poppyseed Bagels hillwoman2 / Getty Images Were you wondering why New York hadn’t shown up to make its claim on bagels? “Poppyseed bagel” was the most searched breakfast item in New York and North Carolina. And it tied for first place in New Jersey with the whole wheat bagel. Poppyseed bagels are some of the best bagels out there. We wouldn’t mind starting our days with one lathered in soft cream cheese. If there happens to be a cup of coffee involved, even better. 4. Onion Bagel bhofack2 / Getty Images States where onion bagels are most searched: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware The Juicy Details: Onion Bagels Tessa57 / Getty Images We’ve had many bagels make the cut, but the one on most people’s minds is — somewhat surprisingly — onion bagels. It’s surprising simply because people tend to have strong opinions about onions, but by no means are we denying they are delicious. The Northeast has cemented itself as the place where people take their bagels very seriously. 3. Breakfast Burrito chas53 / Getty Images States where breakfast burritos are most searched: Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon, New Mexico The Juicy Details: Breakfast Burrito nata_vkusidey / Getty Images The West Coast and the Southwest have breakfast burritos on their mind. This is the food Californians prefer over avocado toast. Given that the region is known for its Mexican cuisine, this makes a lot of sense. Breakfast burritos are a bit heavy for breakfast, but they’re perfect if you’re going to have a late lunch and need to be full for a couple of hours. Plus, they’re absolutely delicious. 2. Cheese Grits LauriPatterson / Getty Images States where cheese grits are most searched: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia The Juicy Details: Cheese Grits bhofack2 / Getty Images Cheese grits are the most popular breakfast food in basically all Southern states except South Carolina. We still can’t believe the Palmetto State betrayed this iconic regional dish for toast. If you’ve never had cheese grits, they’re made with ground cornmeal, cheese and milk. Their consistency is smooth, and they taste somewhat like cornbread. People outside of the South may not be keen on this breakfast food, but it’s a good meal if you want something delicious that’s not too heavy. Hey, it’s No. 2 for a reason. 1. Biscuits and Gravy LauriPatterson / Getty Images States where biscuits and gravy are most searched: Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming The Juicy Details: Biscuits and Gravy chas53 / Getty Images Biscuits and gravy reign supreme in the hearts of Americans, with a whopping 16 states googling the dish over any other breakfast food. Is this fairly heavy for breakfast? Yes. But, unlike donuts, we’ll give biscuits and gravy a pass because they are delicious, creamy and often have protein, so there is some nutritional value. Biscuits and gravy also are a great hangover food, as any Midwesterner can attest. Given that no other breakfast food even came close to their sweeping popularity, we’ll toast with our glass of orange juice to biscuits and gravy for breakfast.