Winter, spring and fall offer different facets of Bruce Peninsula. Each is equally beautiful. Though winter is the most challenging experience, the image of Georgian Bay’s white rocks covered with glistening snow as the sun sets is simply magical. Similarly, fall adds a layer of color to the already scenic landscape.
But while we appreciate Bruce Peninsula at any time of year, summer is unquestionably the best time to visit. In practical terms, many businesses open only in summer, so your options for dining, drinking and shopping will be limited if you come in the off-season.
You also won’t be able to swim in the bay. Even in the summer, the water is cold enough to make breathing difficult, but it’s not a big deal if you keep moving, and it’ll leave you feeling energized and rejuvenated.
Plus, summer in southern Canada is balmy and pleasant, so you won’t be uncomfortable as you hike around the bay.