There’s nothing like the heartland of America. The Midwest includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. It comprises about 20 percent of the United States population — and that 20 percent is probably the friendliest group of people you’ll ever meet.
In the Midwest, you have your weird slang (what does jeet mean?), love for everything cheese (cheese curds, anyone?) and that eagerly given heartland smile (do I know you?).
All of these quirky characteristics are what make the middle of America so wholesome and, well, so gosh-darn great. What are the other signs that you’re from the Midwest? Let’s dive in…
You Call Soda ‘Pop’

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Oh, you knew we were going to include this one.
This is probably the most obvious way to know that someone is from the Midwest, because who else calls soda “pop” in this big beautiful world? (Well, OK, besides some randos in the Northwest.)
Really, saying “pop” is a million times more fun than saying the totally boring “soda.” And it has a fun origin story, too: It reportedly comes from the sound made when people used to remove the cork from a bottle of soda. (Er, pop.)
Meanwhile, Southerners call soda “Coke” … even sodas that aren’t Coca-Cola! This makes no sense!
You Genuinely Believe Puppy Chow Is America’s Best Snack

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No, not dog food! Puppy chow! Chex cereal, peanut butter, chocolate and powdered sugar are mixed together to make this treat that’s a million times better than its name suggests.
Puppy Chow is usually made in bulk, then wrapped in a cellophane bag and tied with a red ribbon to be given to friends as gifts because, honestly, this is the best gift one can ever receive.
You’ll also see this addictive snack at parties, sleepovers, potlucks, picnics and snuck into college football games like contraband. How else are you going to sit through a three-hour-long game in the dead of winter?
You Hold Those Midwest Values Dear

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If you’ve ever met a Midwesterner, you know they’re some of the most genial people around. And even science proves this is true.
A few years ago, University of Cambridge researchers assessed 1.6 million Americans and found that Midwesterners were the friendliest, with “moderately high levels of extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness.”
Why? Because they hold onto their Midwest values of an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, humility, gratitude, neighborliness and all sorts of other super-good stuff.
Did we mention Midwesterners are the best?