I took an international trip about three weeks after my Global Entry interview. I was actually excited to get to the security line so I could pat myself on the back for a smart decision. Of course, it was the only time in my entire life that there was no line in security.
Still, the universe isn’t always in a mocking mood, and I’ve spent too many times longingly looking at the fast lane from the pits of the normal security line.
I was also extremely happy to have paid those $100 when I came back from a trip that lasted over 24 hours, and instead of doing the snakey line toward customs, I got through the Global Entry lane, where there were only around ten people aheas me.
Thanks to this investment, it took me all of 15 minutes to get from landing to baggage check — and that’s in the horrible chaos that is Miami International Airport.
So, the verdict is a complete and unfaltering “yes!” Global Entry is definitely worth it.