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50 Things About Europe You Never Knew


You may know a lot about Europe — but we bet there is much about this vast continent that you don’t know. 

Home to some of the most visited countries in the world, fascinating history, spectacular art and towering feats of nature, Europe boasts some truly amazing facts..

Here are 50 things about this land stretching nearly 4 million square miles that may just blow your mind.

Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia is Taking Longer to Build Than the Pyramids

Sagrada Familia

The ancient pyramids of Egypt were constructed between 2589 and 2504 BC — 85 years. Antoni Gaudi’s masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, began construction in 1882, and has remained under construction every day following. Gaudi didn’t get to see his work completed.

Barcelona aims to have it completed by 2026, the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death, after 144 years of construction.

Nearly Every City in France Has a Street Named for Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo

France honors its most famous poet and writer, Victor Hugo, with a street named after him in nearly every city. 

Hugo not only penned “Les Miserables” and “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” as part of the Romantic movement, but was very dedicated to his country and served as a political advocate. Little wonder, then, that the country has also included his face on its currency.

Denmark Has 7,000 Government-Approved Baby Names (And 5 That Are Banned)

baby names

You are allowed to name your child any one of 7,000 approved baby names in Denmark, but if you want something more unique, you will need to receive permission from the government to do so.

Jakobp, Ashleiy, Anus, Monkey and Pluto have all been banned, so if you wanted one of those names, you’re out of luck. (What’s wrong with Pluto?)


Disneyland Paris Is One of the Most Popular Attractions in All of Europe

Disneyland Paris

When you think of a European attraction, perhaps it is something as iconic as the Eiffel Tower. It receives 7 million visitors per year — not even close to the 9.7 million who visit Disneyland Paris.

One of the most-visited attractions in all Europe is a Disney theme park, and we aren’t sure how to feel about it.