Combine sweetened tea with creamy milk, ice and chewy tapioca balls, and what do you get? Boba tea, that’s what.
In the U.S., boba tea has become a huge craze over the past decade. In other parts of the world, its deliciousness is nothing new. Milk tea first became popular in Taiwan in the 1980s. Tea drinking was already a cultural staple, and someone had the bright idea to combine it with sweetened tapioca balls and shaved ice — two of Taiwan’s most popular desserts. The resulting beverage became known as boba tea.
As the bubble tea drink continues to boom in popularity, unique flavors are popping up around the world, which means your taste buds can travel somewhere new with each one. These are some of our all-time favorite boba flavors, from the original milk tea to spicy, India-inspired chai. Enjoy.