50 of the Most Famous Historic Houses in the World
Leena Kollar
Photos of the World’s Most Amazing Waterfalls
Leena Kollar
Check out these waterfall pictures to experience nature in action.
20 Most-Visited Countries in the World
Lissa Poirot
What are the most-visited countries in the world? United Nations World Tourism Organization released a list showing the most beloved countries of the world.
The World’s Most Iconic Beaches, Ranked
Lissa Poirot
These iconic beaches enjoy worldwide fame because of their breathtaking looks.
The World’s Most Swimmable Beaches
Sascha Zuger
Here's 20 of the most beautiful beaches around the globe for loungers who like a trip where they can dip.
15 Oldest Cities in the World, From Newest to Oldest
Chaitali Patel
Life as we know it started in the world's oldest cities.
Best Breads Around the World (and Their Recipes)
Meagan Drillinger
Take a tour of the world through its delicious bread.
The 100 Most Livable Cities in the World
Mariana Zapata
Looking for a good quality of life? It doesn't get any better than these cities.
World’s Most Sacred Sites
Mark Jason Williams
These extraordinary destinations mystify and inspire.
Best Birdwatching Spots in the World
Tom Molanphy
From the tropics to the hinterlands, here's where you can see extraordinary birds in abundance.
No, the U.S. Isn’t the Best Country in the World
Marina Nazario
Did your favorite country make the list of the best 50 countries in the world?
World’s Best Luxury Cruise Lines, Ranked
Sarah Kuta
The results are in — these luxury cruise lines came out on top.
Best Budget Cruise Lines, Ranked
Sarah Kuta
Looking for an affordable vacation? These budget cruise lines offer a great bang for your buck.
25 Cities With the Best Public Transportation, Ranked
Briana Hansen
Hint: Asia and Europe know what's up when it comes to the world's best public transportation.
35 Most Beautiful Bridges in the World
Kellie Paxian
The best bridges in the world show off just how creative architects and engineers can be, so make sure to admire these works that make your journey possible.
Top 35 Places to Practice Yoga in the World
Kellie Paxian
Find a comfortable position, focus on your breathing techniques and set your intention toward a visit to one of these top places to practice yoga in the world.
The Ultimate Experiential Travel Bucket List
Mariana Zapata
Spend the new decade exploring these extraordinary travel experiences that should be on your bucket list.
The Smartest and Most Creative Cities in the World
Lissa Poirot
50 Most Beautiful Cities in the World
Jerriann Sullivan
World’s 30 Best Travel Destinations, Ranked
Sarah Kuta
From Yellowstone to Sydney, Maui to London, behold the most incredible travel destinations on Earth.
35 Countries Where Women Feel the Most Welcome
Meagan Drillinger
These 35 best countries for women guarantee the safest and most welcoming experiences for females travelers.
Safest Cities in the World
Lissa Poirot
Enjoy a trip free of stress in the world's most security-focused destinations.
The 15 Hottest Peppers in the World Will Have You Crying
Mariana Zapata
What is the hottest pepper in the world? We’ve got answers.
Happiest Countries in the World (and What Makes Them So Happy)
Lissa Poirot
Learn what brings the most joy to citizens from the happiest countries — and how you can replicate it.
Popular Wedding Destinations That Are Straight Out of a Fairytale
Mariana Zapata
Everyone wants to take their vows at these magical wedding destinations.
International Food Dishes People Miss the Most
Mariana Zapata
The craving for these international foods is real.
Best Four Seasons Resorts in the World
Mariana Zapata
The Four Seasons brand guarantees luxury. But these properties take it to another level.
How Many of These Iconic Places Can You Name?
Mariana Zapata
If you consider yourself a knowledgeable traveler, you should be able to score 15/15 on this iconic places quiz.
Lake Como Is One of the 10 Most Beautiful Lakes in the World
Mariana Zapata
Take a dip in Lake Como or one of these other gorgeous lakes and then enjoy the quaint towns surrounding them.