20 Most-Visited Countries in the World
Lissa Poirot
What are the most-visited countries in the world? United Nations World Tourism Organization released a list showing the most beloved countries of the world.
25 Least-Visited Countries in the World
Meagan Drillinger
Even though these happen to be the least-visited countries in the world doesn't mean they aren't worth journeying to — and here's why.
How Not Traveling Is Helping the Planet
Lissa Poirot
Best Times to Travel to the World’s Most-Visited Cities
Lissa Poirot
Alternative American Cities to Escape the Crowds
Mariana Zapata
15 Mistakes Americans Make in Mexico (and How to Avoid Them)
Lissa Poirot
20 Mistakes Americans Make in Europe (and How to Avoid Them)
Mark Jason Williams
Learn from others’ follies and avoid these embarrassing mistakes while traveling in Europe. Hint: In Switzerland, it’s just called cheese.
50 Dumbest Things Tourists Have Ever Done
Mariana Zapata
Selfies, vandalism and a lack of common sense all contribute to some seriously dumb things tourists have done.
Americans Hate These 10 Vacation Spots the Most
Jessie Fetterling
Here are the attractions that for one reason or another Americans hate the most.