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Real Locations That Anna Delvey Visits in ‘Inventing Anna’

Aaron Epstein / Netflix / IMDb

Love her or hate her, you have to admit she has taste. Anna “Delvey” Sorokin has enthralled Netflix viewers in the recently released series based on her life posing as a German heiress, tricking New York City’s elite into thinking she was worth $65 million. Sorokin conned her way into long stays at luxury hotels, vacations fit for a queen, incredible parties and lavish meals at some of the Big Apple’s finest restaurants. 

“Inventing Anna” is based on real-life events concerning Anna Sorokin and the people in her life. The Netflix series kept things authentic by filming mostly in New York City where Anna swindled her way to the top, but it also took us around the world. From the 11 Howard hotel in New York to a yacht in Ibiza to the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood, here are several locations featured in “Inventing Anna” that you can visit.

11 Howard (12 George)

11 Howard

Note: Some of this text may contain spoilers, and while we know that filming did take place at many of the actual locations, some of the hotels opted not to allow filming inside. Instead, crews made recreations or filmed in similar-looking locations.

11 Howard (called 12 George in the series) is the hotel where Anna stays the longest, three months, and meets the concierge Neff who then becomes her friend. During her stay, Anna racks up a total bill of $30,000.

While creating the illusion of wealth by tipping in hundreds, Anna conveniently forgets to give the hotel a credit card when she checks in but is removed from the hotel once she’s caught.

Visit 11 Howard

11 Howard (12 George) in the Show

11 Howard (12 George) in the Show

Le Coucou

Le CouCou
11 Howard / Facebook

Anna also dines frequently at the hotel’s restaurant, Le Coucou, charging meals to her room along the way.

And we’re not talking your typical hotel bar fare.

Visit Le Coucou

Le Coucou in the Show

Le Coucou
David Giesbrecht / Netflix