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Best War Museums in America

The best war and military museums aren’t just rooms stuffed with medals and pictures. They are captivating experiences with stealth bombers, war-scarred aircraft carriers, virtual reality combat simulators, life-sized battle dioramas and war reenactments that use actual tanks.

They also are sobering and powerful reminders about the costs of war, the people we lost in wartime and the atrocities that accompany it. From sharing the history of the American Revolution to collections of modern military technology and everything in between, these best war museums are the best in America.

Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
intrepidmuseum / Instagram

Location: New York, New York

Year opened: 1982

Located along the Hudson River in New York City is the aircraft carrier-turned-museum, the USS Intrepid. The carrier served in World War II and survived five kamikaze attacks and one torpedo strike, then went on to serve in the Cold War and the Vietnam War. 

The museum consists of the USS Intrepid, the submarine Growler, the supersonic aircraft Concorde and the space shuttle Enterprise. There are over 20,000 artifacts and pieces of media in the museum’s collection as well as a dozen aircraft.

Must-See Exhibit at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

USS Intrepid
intrepidmuseum / Instagram

The Space Pavilion, which showcases “a soundscape featuring actual conversations between mission control and Enterprise pilots during flight tests.”

Also don’t miss the kamikaze exhibit, which explores the history and impact of kamikaze pilots. 

Pima Air and Space Museum

Pima Air and Space Museum

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Year opened: 1976

Bring your walking shoes. The Pima Air and Space Museum consists of a 127-acre campus and about 400 aircraft.

There are several hangars, each with their own exhibits, as well as an aerospace gallery.

Must-See Exhibit at the Pima Air and Space Museum

Pima Air and Space Museum
Pima Air and Space Museum / Instagram

World War II buffs should check out hangars four and five, which showcase weapons, artifacts and aircraft, from the Pacific theater. The aerospace gallery is great for kids, and it has the capsule from the 1995 “Apollo 13” film.

Check out their extensive list of airplanes before going.