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These Beautiful Ocean Pictures Are What We Need Right Now

georgekarbus / Instagram

Earth’s surface is 70 percent water, and 96.5 percent of that water belongs to the ocean. The importance of the ocean is not to be overlooked, especially since it produces over half of the world’s oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. The ocean’s water waves even regulate climate and weather patterns as they transport heat from the equator to the poles.

The ocean is a magical place filled with undiscovered beauty, wild animals and hidden depths that we could only dream of exploring. It can change from a calm, peaceful space to a raging, windy sea that seems to have a mind of its own. From surfers riding waves to secret coastal beaches, these 30 beautiful ocean pictures remind us just how intoxicating nature can be — and we’re grateful for it. 

Massive Shore Break

Stunning Shore Break at Pupukea, Hawaii
clarklittle / Instagram

Location: Pupukea, Hawaii

Wind Turbines in the Ocean

Wind Turbines in the Ocean in Denmark
jonathanfilskov-photography / Getty Images

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Ocean Sunrays

Ocean Sunrays in Wales, England
rachelhayleysmith / Instagram

Location: Wales, England

Moonrise Over the Ocean

Moonrise Over the Ocean
dannyoutside / Instagram

Location: Los Angeles, California