Avoid These Mini Bar Foods at All Costs
Mini bars offer you a wide range of appealing foods. However, not every food in there should be consumed by a health-conscious person. Some contain harmful ingredients that will definitely degrade the quality of your health. It’s important to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy options in a mini bar. Here are some of the foods you need to strike out of your list of options.
Miniature Cheese Plates

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While they may look tempting, miniature cheese plates come with unhealthy preservatives. The tiny bites that look harmless are packed with loads of artificial flavors, sodium, and trans fats in some cases. Instead of these, opt for fresh organic fruits or nuts. They ensure satisfactory crunches with no health concerns.
Microwaveable Meals or Instant Noodles

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These convenient meals are also convenient health traps for you. Almost all of them are filled with artificial preservatives and MSG. The high sodium concentration in these products is responsible for bloating. You can grab protein bars or nuts as healthy alternatives. Protect yourself by avoiding microwaveable meals or instant noodles.
Pre-Packaged Sandwiches

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You’re probably looking for a quick meal, and pre-packaged sandwiches are your first choice. However, what you don’t know is the amount of unhealthy fat you may be consuming, in addition to processed meat with nitrates. Further, bread is usually full of refined sugars. That combination is deadly!
Frozen Pizzas

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It might be tempting to pop into a mini bar for these popular delicacies. You should know that these quick fixes have massive amounts of calories, saturated fats, and sodium. These do no favors for your health. If you must get something, a bar of dark chocolate may offer healthy snacking.
Dessert Cups or Pastries

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The dessert cups and pastries that you can never resist could be causing trouble for your health. The high amounts of industrial sugar, hydrogenated oils, and sodium are harmful to your well-being. A handful of dried fruits can do the job instead of putting your health on the line.
Cocktail Mixers or Dips

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These often seem fun to you, don’t they? What you need to know, however, is that they are heavy on industrial sweeteners, artificial flavors, and preservatives. They can also come with high sodium levels and unhealthy oils. Thus, you sign yourself up for frequent hospital visits.
High-Calorie Cookies or Baked Goods

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While they may please your taste buds, high-calorie cookies and baked goods are disguised containers of refined sugars and trans fats. Besides, they have inorganic preservatives and flavors. All these combine to mess up your metabolic health. Choose trail mix or granola bars to get a healthy crunch.
High-Sugar Breakfast Cereals

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Breakfast cereals high in sugar may not be the right way to start your day. These foods are filled with artificial sweeteners and colors, which can effectively alter the direction of your health. Energy crashes will become a part of you if you insist on them.
Sugary Beverages

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If your first choice for quenching your thirst is a sugary beverage, you may just be putting yourself in trouble. These colorful drinks are laced with artificial sweeteners and high-fructose corn syrup. They offer you empty calories and can attract energy crashes. Instead, opt for sparkling water or herbal tea.
Potato Chips and Crisps

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Crunchy as they are, potato chips and crisps are a danger to your health. These snacks are high in sodium and artificial flavors, making them less than ideal. For healthy snacking, whole grain crackers or veggie sticks will be great. They deliver a satisfying crunch without unhealthy additives.